2017 Neighborhood Project Grant Results

2017 was the third year of our Neighborhood Project Grants. Once again there were strong applications with some original ideas from neighborhoods on how to bring neighbors together, while getting positive things accomplished for their living space. These grants reimburse up to $1,000 in costs for neighborhoods to complete projects that enhance a neighborhood’s livability and involvement, benefit the entire neighborhood and promote a strong sense of community. Each of the applications had to ensure that the neighbors would put in the volunteer effort to bring the project to completion by October 30, 2017.
Oak Terrace/Parkside Exercise Group: “This community initiative gave the Oak Terrace’s residents the opportunity to not only be physically active but also to interact and develop relationships with others in the neighborhood.” – Milena Nunez Garcia, SNAP-Ed Bilingual Educator
Slatterly Park Neighborhood Welcome Baskets: “This project had a two-fold benefit. First, and most obviously, it welcomed new neighbors to the community. Secondly, It engaged current neighbors to get involved by delivering the baskets. I saw folks just as excited to bring a basket to a new neighbor and use it as an excuse to introduce themselves as I saw neighbors excited to get a small gift. I am hopeful that over time, these initial connections will grow and new neighbors will feel a part of the community from day one and onward.” – Cathy Clermont, Slatterly Park Neighborhood Association President
In 2017 twelve different Neighborhood Project grants were awarded, benefiting six different neighborhoods (Neighborhoods Involved: Folwell Drive, Homestead, HSWNA, Kutzky, Slatterly, Oak Terrace). Funds were distributed by RNeighbors and provided by the City of Rochester and SHIP. Over 970 volunteer hours were put into these projects, enhancing each neighborhood’s livability and fostering a sense of community. The total volunteer work that neighbors put into these projects is 970 hours, the monetary value to the city of this neighborhood improvement is $23,415.80.
This year we assembled a video that highlights several of the grant projects. View it here.
Interested in how you can put these grants to use in your neighborhood? Grant applications will be posted by January 2018 at RNeighbors.org. Application deadline is Wednesday, March 14.
2017 Project Grants Awarded
- Folwell Drive NA: Creative Crosswalk (on hold)
- Homestead Addition NA: 3rd Stage of Pocket Park Improvement & Creative Crosswalk
- Historic SW NA: Sign Toppers Wayfinding Signs
- Kutzky Park NA: Yoga/Bootcamp in the Park
- Slatterly Park NA: Welcome Baskets & Bridge Improvements
- Oak Terrace Exercise Group: Zumba Leadership Certification
- Art4Trails: Cement concrete pads for public art in Slatterly Park and Historic SW NAs
- Neighborhoods USA Conference Scholarship: Christine Schultze, Historic SW NA and Mei-Ling Huie, Historic SW NA
Project Grant Partners
- City of Rochester
- Park and Recreation Department
- SHIP (Statewide Health Improvement Partnership, Olmsted County Public Health)
- RNeighbors
Project Grant Video Partners
- Neighborhood Vitality CLF group, 2016 cohort
- Community Education Citizens Advisory Council
- Med City Beat
- RNeighbors
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