2018 RNeighbors Neighborhood Grants
What is the Neighborhood Project Grant?
These grants reimburse up to $1,000 in costs for neighborhoods to complete projects that enhance a neighborhood’s livability and involvement, benefit the entire neighborhood and promote a strong sense of community. We encourage you to be creative. These non-revenue producing projects can include, but are not limited to, identification signage, butterfly & rain gardens, native plantscaping and public art projects. Neighborhoods can take on several different projects but they must be bundled in one grant application. You can check out results from the 2017 grants here and a short video on some of the 2017 grants here.
Are you specifically interested in a community food garden?
Allowable expenses include start-up gardening supplies (such as shovels, rakes, hoses, seeds, starter plants, and dirt), materials to construct raised bed gardens, signage, fencing, and garden watering equipment. Unallowable expenses include large sheds, underground irrigation systems, land rentals for gardens, liability insurance, labor to install garden, goods or services for personal use, or other costs incurred prior to grant award.
- Park and Rec Policy on Neighborhood Gardens Located in City Parks
- Neighborhood Garden Permit Application
- Community Garden Tool Kit
Neighborhood Training Grant for the Neighborhoods USA Conference, May 24-26, 2018
Each year RNeighbors has attended the Neighborhoods USA (NUSA) Conference we have come back energized about neighborhood organizing and full of successful ideas from other cities. The Council on Neighborhoods, the Neighborhood Toolkit, the Building Blocks Neighborhood Party Trailer and the Neighborhood Project Grants are just a few of these projects we’ve implemented in Rochester. For the second year, thanks to funding from the City Council, we’d like to send some neighborhood leaders to this valuable experience. Workshop tracks to focus on: Neighborhood Initiatives, Neighborhood Stabilization, Senior Boom, Youth Engagement, Safe and Healthy Communities, Grants & Government Programs, Using Technology to Connect, Green Growing Neighborhoods and Emerging Young Leaders. Here is the conference website.
Total Grant Funding Amounts
- $6,000 for general neighborhood grants (including community food gardens)
- $2,000 (two $1,000 grants) for attendance to the 2018 Neighborhoods USA (NUSA) Conference in Birmingham, Alabama
Eligible Applicants
- Individuals and community groups must work with their registered neighborhood association to apply for grants. Not a neighborhood association yet? No problem. You can apply now.
- A complete list of existing registered neighborhood associations is available online.
- For more information on establishing an association in your neighborhood, or questions related to the grant application process, contact René Halasy.
Application Deadline: Wednesday, March 14, 2018, at 5 pm
- All applications must be submitted to RNeighbors via email.
- Applicants must complete an application and attach necessary supporting documentation. Please read all of the instructions carefully before filling out the application. It is extremely important to fill out the application form properly. If in doubt, ask questions.
- If your request is approved, you must adhere to your application and the Grant Agreement throughout the grant’s duration. For Project Grants this includes the project scope and budget worksheet.
- Again this year we’ll be highlighting neighborhoods awarded a grant in a video presentation. Scheduling a time to work with RNeighbors and the videographer may be necessary so we can tell your project’s success story.
Additional information on the Neighborhood Project Grant can be found in the Grant Overview packet, included below along with the Grant Application.
Project Grant Overview (MS Word Doc)
- Project Grant Overview (PDF)
Project Grant Application Form (MS Word Doc)
Neighborhood Training Grant Application (MS Word Doc)
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