Looking for 2016 OAKtoberfest Neighbors Awards Nominations

Once again, as part of the upcoming RNeighbors OAKtoberfest fundraiser (save the date for Friday, October 7 folks!), we will be recognizing Rochester neighbors whose efforts in our community strive to meet the mission of RNeighbors, “to create sustainable neighborhood networks that promote a vibrant, healthy, and livable community.” We need you to nominate that special person in your neighborhood who goes above and beyond.
We will be giving three awards and are looking for your nominations of neighbors you feel should be honored in these categories.
- Green Initiative Award: Neighbor or group who spearheaded and developed green initiatives within your neighborhood, as a means to make Rochester a more environmentally sustainable place to live.
- Green Thumb Award: Neighbor or group who has improved their neighborhood, yard, or local community park the most.
- Vibrant Neighbor Award: Neighbor or group who has spearheaded and developed unique and spectacular artistic venues, activities, and events within the community.
Nomination is simple. Be creative! Please just write a 3-4 sentence description convincing us why a neighbor deserves recognition and email it by September 10. In addition to honoring award winners at our Friday, October 7, OAKtoberfest event, we will post winners and descriptions on our website.
2015 OAKtoberfest Neighbor Award Winners
Joel Dunnette was awarded the Green Initiative Award for the Nature in Your Neighborhood Project, engaging children in nature that is right in their neighborhoods. This award is given to a neighbor who has improved their neighborhood, yard or local community.
Jeff Urban was awarded the Innovative Action Award for his work in organizing and coordinating rehab efforts in the Oak Terrace, Parkside, and Eastside neighborhoods. This award is given to a neighbor or group who has worked with the residents to make structural improvements to a neighborhood.
Cathy Clermont, from the Slatterly Park Neighborhood Association was awarded the Green Thumb Award, for spearheading boulevard tree plantings, coordinating efforts to repaint their Flower Kaleidoscope street mural, seeking out volunteers at the neighborhood’s Art on the Avenue eff ort, as well as working in their community garden. This award is given to a neighbor or group who has improved their neighborhood, yard, or local community park.
2014 OAKtoberfest Neighbor Award Winners
Mitch Moore, from the Friends of Indian Heights neighborhood was awarded the Green Thumb Award, given to a neighbor who has improved their neighborhood, yard or local community.
Eileen Zirbel, from the Historic Homestead Addition neighborhood was awarded the Green Initiative Award, given to a neighbor or group who spearheaded and developed green initiatives within their neighborhood, as a means to make Rochester a more environmentally sustainable place to live.
David E Byer was awarded the Legacy Award, given to an individual who through their dedication to community, volunteerism and talents has created a lasting positive impact on Rochester neighborhoods.
2013 OAKtoberfest Neighbor Award Winners
Steve Huesman was awarded the Green Initiative Award, given to a neighbor who spearheaded and developed green initiatives within their neighborhood, as a means to make Rochester a more environmentally sustainable place to live.
April Sutor from the Homestead Trails Neighborhood Association was awarded the Green Thumb Award, for a neighbor who has improved their neighborhood, yard, or local community park the most.
Jane Townsend, from the Historic SW neighborhood was awarded the Vibrant Neighbor Award, given to a neighbor who has spearheaded and developed artistic venues, activities, and events within the neighborhood.
Richard Denny & Mick King from the Sunnyside Neighborhood were awarded the Unique and Spectacular Award, given to a neighbor or group who has organized innovative and unique ways for their neighborhood or local community to socialize and be neighborly with one another.
2012 OAKtoberfest Neighbor Award Winners
Glenn Faith, from the Kutzky Park Neighborhood was awarded the Green Initiative Award, given to a neighbor who spearheaded and developed green initiatives within his neighborhood, as a means to make Rochester a more environmentally sustainable place to live.
Doty Klein, from the Cimarron Neighborhood was awarded the Green Thumb Award, given to a neighbor who has improved their neighborhood, yard, or local community park the most.
Pat Staley, from the Washington Neighborhood was awarded the Vibrant Neighbor Award, given to a neighbor who has spearheaded and developed artistic venues, activities, and events within the community.
Wayne Flock, from the Slaterly Park Neighborhood was awarded the Unique and Spectacular Award, given to a neighbor who has organized innovative and unique ways for their neighborhood to be neighborly with one another.
Check out RNeighbors on Facebook and see photos from this event and more.
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