2009 Fall Citizen Forester Training
Submitted by Rene Jones Lafflam on Tue, 2009-06-09 23:02.
An record breaking class of 28 individuals came out early on Saturday, April 18, to learn all about trees at the Quarry Hill Nature Center.

Citizen Forester Workshop
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Quarry Hill Nature Center
Cost: $15
Join us on Saturday, September 26, 2009, for an intense day of tree education, climbing, and planting. This class will give participants an increased awareness and knowledge of Rochester’s urban forest, even those who’ve already been through a Citizen Forester class.
Become a part of the Rochester urban forester team through this course cosponsored by City of Rochester Forestry Division, Maier Forest and Tree, Quarry Hill, and RNeighborWoods. Instructors: Jacob Ryg, Nate Runke, Jesse Hoekstra. This class is packed with tree education, climbing, and planting.
You’ll be an active participant in learning tree planting basics, care, basic arboriculture, urban forest advocacy, and hands-on activities. Discover techniques that will give you the knowledge to correctly plant trees that will grow 100 years or more, rather than the average of 20-30 years.
Upon completion of this class you will earn the greenly official title of “Citizen Forester”. Leaf it to us, this Saturday will likely change everything you thought you knew about trees.
To register go to the ActiveNet – Community Education class registration page, log in, and then choose category “Adult-05:Home and Garden (Garden)” and activity # 8644.521.
For additional information contact Jacob Ryg, Rochester City Forester.
For more about RNeighborWoods including partners, events, and photos, check the website.
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