Walls of Color Murals
RNeighbors partnered with the City of Rochester, for the CARES Arts Grants which supported the creation of neighborhood-based arts including permanent, outdoor painted murals throughout Rochester neighborhoods in the fall of 2020. The purpose of this Walls of Color program is to provide projects for local artists whose livelihoods have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic while cultivating joy and positivity throughout the city. More about the City of Rochester CARES Funding here.

You can discover each of the 15 murals for yourself through a Scavenger Hunt complete with a map and addresses of each mural location.
Walls of Color Milestones
- Gave work to 14 local artists who added 15 murals around Rochester including on businesses, at schools, and in parks. Artists were paid by square footage and many of them indicated the funds they earned will go right back into the local economy.
- Provided an educational Grant Writing Basics Workshop for artists thinking about applying for grant opportunity, led by a paid local artist.
- Provided an educational Mural Painting Basics Workshop for artists who received grants, led by a paid local artist.
- Distributed a bucket of supplies purchased locally, to each muralist.
- Offered young artists assistance through a mentorship opportunity from a local artist.
- Added to the local economy by working with two locally owned paint stores to purchase paint supplies from including Stuve’s and Hirshfield’s. In addition, lifts were rented from Rochester companies including Sunbelt and United Rentals.
- Each mural will have an informational plaque posted near it, including artists’ names and short mural description. Plaques were printed at local business FastSigns.
- Distributed a Mural Scavenger Hunt in the first week of December for community members to explore each mural site. Scavenger Hunt was designed by Rochester White Space firm.
The Walls of Color opportunity was funded through Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, originating from the federal government and allocated to the City of Rochester by the State of Minnesota. More about these funds here.
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