Council on Neighborhoods – January 31, 2023

After a hiatus, the Council on Neighborhoods meetings are back. All are welcome who are interested in neighborhood cohesiveness. The Council on Neighborhoods meetings are about getting neighborhood-related information directly from the entities overseeing the efforts. Then this information can be communicated back to neighborhood association groups.
The mission of the Council on Neighborhoods is to give members the opportunity to:
- strengthen connections between Rochester neighborhood leaders
- inform on neighborhood-related topics
- engage and contribute collectively to highlighted initiatives
Representatives from the Elton Hills, Valhalla, Oak Terrace, Sunnyside, Lowertown, Cimarron, and Indian Heights Park neighborhoods were present, as well as Mayor Norton and City and County staff members. The meeting topics included Sidewalk Improvement District & Housing Rehab.
Upcoming Council on Neighborhoods Meeting
- Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 6-7:30 pm
- 4001 West River Pkwy NW, Police DSIC NW Classroom
Meeting notes from January 31, 2023, are posted here.
Council on Neighborhoods Meeting
Tuesday, January 31, 5:30-7 pm
DSIC Building, 4001 West River Pkwy NW, Police NW B163 A Classroom
Sidewalk Improvement District Program
Presenter – Megan Moeller, City of Rochester Public Works
On November 14, 2022, the City Council adopted the Sidewalk Improvement District program that reassigns the cost of sidewalk repairs and replacement from the adjacent property owner to a distribution among a greater portion of the community, as sidewalks are a benefit to, and are available for use, by all. 2023 construction will occur in the Southeast District with a project area that includes Slatterly Park and Sunnyside neighborhoods. (Southwest – 2024; Northwest – 2025; North Central – 2026; Northeast and Downtown Core – 2027)
- Sidewalk Improvement District Handout
- Sidewalk Improvement District PowerPoint
Housing Rehab Program Summary for OCHRA Rehab Loan Programs
Presenter – Luke Tessum, Olmsted County Housing Rehab Coordinator
The Housing Rehab Loan Program is offered to residence in the City of Rochester and Olmsted County (excluding Stewartville) the goal is to assist homeowners with upgrade improvements to their homes. We focus on health and safety, energy efficiency and home remodeling improvements along with handling home emergency situations and accessibility upgrades to the home. The rehabilitation loans are 2% interest for 15 years with a total loan term of 30 years. The max dollar amount for a rehab loan is $25,000.00.
OCHRA also administers the Minnesota Housing Rehab loan program funded by the State of Minnesota for households at or below the 30% median income level. General specs are the same as the County and City programs, however if the property owners stay in the home for designated amount of time the loan is forgiven and does not have to be paid back. For mobile home the time period is 10 years and for single family site-built homes it is 15 years.
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