Sponsorship Opportunity

Sponsorship Opportunity

Consider Sponsoring the 2010 Think Green Fair!


Please help us produce this event by considering one of three sponsorship levels outlined below.  Sponsorship with The Think Green Fair will provide your business or organization with enhanced visability among Rochester citizens.  Sponsors will provide the financial support necessary for us to provide a free event for the community and reach new audiences that will benefit from the exhibits, demonstrations and speakers.

Complete your sponsorship by emailing Caitlin Meyer at meyer.caitlin@co.olmsted.mn.us or by filling out the exhibitor/sponsor  form and submitting it to:

829 3rd Ave SE
Suite 225
Rochester MN, 55904

Thank you for your continued support in helping us make a positive impact on the environment and our local community.

Sponsoring the Think Green Fair

Think Green Fair Exhibitor Application Packet

Please Contact Caitlin Meyer, living green outreach specialist and MN GreenCorps member for further information.

Email: meyer.caitlin@co.olmsted.mn.us or Phone: (507) 328-6396