Bob Nowicki
Northern Hills (no Neighborhood Association)
Board Member Since
July 2001
Personal Information
I have a wife named Joan. 3 daughters – Cheryl & Ryan; Cyndi, Sami and Adam; Caryn, Ed, Kaitlyn and Kasey
- Retired IBM
- Retired Rochester City Council Member
Technical, Marketing, Business through IBM
Favorite Tree
Spreading Oak
Where I see RNeighbors five years from now
Financially self sufficient and recognized as THE resource for building “community” in Rochester for all.
Community Involvement
- Kiwanis chapter president for past 17 years and co-chaired Kiwanis Think Bank Hockey Festival for the past 15 years
- Rochester Amateur Sports Commission
Previous Involvement
- Rochester Reading Center Board
- Diversity Council
- County FACES Collaborative
- SHIP (State Health Improvement Program)
- Statewide Emergency Radio Board
RNeighbors Committees
- Founding Board Member
- Current Board President 2011-2012