Help Make Rochester A Litter Bit Better! Registration Now Open

Men’s underwear, a cat bed, a set of car keys, and a broken toilet. What do these things have in common? They are just a few of the odd things found in Rochester during the last 8 years of litter clean-ups during the annual Help Make Rochester A Litter Bit Better! event. What will our volunteers find this year?
So far, over 95 tons of litter has been collected by thousands of citizens since the program began in 2007. This year’s event will be April 18-25 and registration is now open.
Volunteers are encouraged to collect litter anytime during that week. Trash and recycling bags are provided, all you need to do is pick a location, pick a date, and pick it up! Registration information, maps and more can be found at
Litter makes our city look bad and can pollute our water. For the 9th year in a row, hundreds of citizens will join forces to prevent pollution and remove litter from parks, neighborhoods and businesses in Rochester during this weeklong event– will you be one of them?
Everyone can Help Make Rochester A Litter Bit Better! including children, adults, businesses, church groups, boy and girl scouts, neighborhood associations, and others. Litter pickups are easy, rewarding, and fun! Do your part and register today!
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