A Litter Bit Better 2009

During this week, volunteers will join together to pick up litter in Rochester.
Why is there a need? Maybe Rochester seems like a really clean city to you?
In fact, compared with other locations, it is very clean but it takes our constant care. Last year, Rochester’s first A Litter Bit Better! event contributed to the collection of 21,500 pounds of litter by over 1,400 volunteers from public lands throughout the City of Rochester. That’s a lot of trash!
Did you know that according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation 45% of roadside litter occurs unintentionally when trash blows out of uncovered trucks or falls off of unsecured loads?
You can help!
Here’s how:
Check our website links below for more about A Litter Bit Better! and for information about the History of the Campaign.
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