A Litter Bit Better! Mayoral Proclamation

On Monday, April 9, at 9:30 am, over 40 Rochester folks showed up to the City Hall Atrium to celebrate the Mayoral Proclamation of Earth Week 2007 in Rochester, April 21-28.
Pictured above is a team all interested in the A Litter Bit Better! community cleanup. The Boy Scouts will tackle the waterways, continuing their fine tradition of spring cleanup. Other organizing groups are included in the photo such as Phil Larsen from Rochester Public Works Department, Geno Wente from Waste Management, Greg Munson from Quarry Hill Nature Center, Rene Lafflam and Liana Michelfelder-Tessum from RNeighbors, and the two citizens that came up with the original city-wide clean up idea, Craig Weckwerth from Think and Mark St. Peter from City Auto Glass.
To view a scan of the Proclamation click here.
Want more information? Check out the Litter Bit Better Webpage.
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