Mayor’s Council on Neighborhoods Meeting – December 2014

Mayor’s Council on Neighborhoods Meeting – December 2014

Tuesday, December 16, 2014, the Mayor’s Council on Neighborhoods (MCN) held their fifth official meeting. Thanks to the Rochester Area Foundation for the excellent meeting space and to Mayor Brede for his support of the group. Representatives from the Sunnyside, Kutzky, Eastside, Historic SW, Washington, Northrop, Homestead, and a few neighborhoods not yet registered as associations were in attendance.

The focus of this meeting was to hear about and discuss the current and projected Olmsted County housing needs and how this will impact Rochester neighborhoods. Presenters were from the Rochester Area Foundation referring to a study and graphs prepared by Greater Minnesota Housing Fund.

To strengthen connections between neighborhood leaders and give neighborhoods a collective voice.

The group will meet at the Rochester Area Foundation every two months, Tuesday, 5:30‐7 pm, unless a special meeting is called. Upcoming meetings: February 17, April 21, June 16, August 18, October 20 and December 15.

Notes from the meeting can be downloaded here.

Microsoft Word - Neighborhood Focus Group Notes.docx

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