Chapter 16 – Neighborhood Associations
A Neighborhood Association is the officially designated, recognized organization for a specific geographic location. Neighborhood Associations are the heart of neighborhood activities in Rochester.
Below are tools and information to aid current Associations, and give start-up neighborhood groups guidelines for successful community organizing.
[column width=”50%”]
25. Northrop
5. Eastside Pioneers
24. North River Court
34. Viking Hills
11. Glendale
33. Stonehedge Townhomes
6. Emerald Hills
[column width=”50%”]
10. The Gardens
22. Meadow Park Neighbors
30. Slatterly Park Neighbors
[column width=”50%”]
25. Northrop
23. Mill Race
16. John Marshall
17. Kutzky Park
19. Manorwoods
35. Viking Park
7. Elton Hills
15.John Adams
18. Lincolnshire-Abor Glen
26. Northwest Neighbors
12.Golfview Neighbors
20. Manorwood Lakes Neighborhood
36. Washington
4. Cimarron
[column width=”50%”]
1. Apple Hill
2. Baihly Meadows
3. Baihly Woodlands
8. Folwell
9. Foxcroft
13. Hart Farms
14. Historic Southwest
17. Kutzky Park
21. Mayowood Hills
27. Parkway
28. Pine Ridge Neighbors
29. Shorewood
31. Southern Hills
32. Stonegate Neighbors