Chapter 19 – Reference Examples

Chapter 19 – Reference Examples

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report: Anytown Neighborhood Association
Date: January 31, 2006
Beginning Balance: $543.89

Sponsorship Dues (4 @ $25) $100.00
Donation $10.00
Total Income $110.00

Pizza Hut (December Meeting) 89.88
Total Expenses 89.88

Ending Balance January 13, 2006: $564.01

Respectfully Submitted,
Sally Joe-Anytown Neighborhood Association Treasurer

Meeting Minutes

SECRETARY: Minutes accepted as distributed
TREASURER: We added $35 bringing out total to $456.38. No expenses were reported.
MEMBERSHIP: Tom Lewis reported that 6 welcome packets were delivered list month to new residents.
SOCIAL ACTIVITES: On May 22, children and adults attended pizza party held at the One Room Schoolhouse.
BUSINESS: A major grocery store chain will be locating in the Milltown Mall and the new management is willing to assist our association with provision for our July 4th picnic.
PARK CLEAN UP: Lisa reported that over 75 children and 32 adults helped in our annual park cleanup on April 24th. Park and Rec hauled two dumpsters full of trash and dead brush.
BLOCK WATCH: Mike said that all has been quiet so far this spring.
GUESTS: Tony Speedbump reported that the city engineers changed the timing on the Broadway and 13th crosswalk to add 30 more seconds in the crossing time as a result of complaints by the elderly residents of Safe Home Manor. Tony also gave an overview of the process to get historic streetlight. At this time, it was voted to table the issue until more information about the costs of the lights and funding could be acquired.
COPPS officers, Jane Law and John Badge reported with their recommendations on the placement of the Safe Zone signs around the park, two schools, and three parochial schoolyards. 22 signs will be requested from the city. They also reported on several reported graffiti incidents and the steps they are taking to apprehend the vandals.
NEW BUSINESS: National Night Out is on August 3rd. Everyone is invited to come to the park at 6:30 p.m. for free hot dogs and soda and meet your neighbors. Rochester Forestry has provided us with 50 trees and a plating weekend has been planned for the weekend of 19th. Please volunteer to help plant these beautiful trees. Nominations for officers were as follows: President-Ren Fitzer and Betty White, Vice-President- Zach Abraham, Lyle Munson, and Samantha Adams, Treasurer – Ima Tightwad, and Secretary – Terry Ruggles, Kevin Bacon and George Bush. Elections will be held at the August meeting.
The next meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. August 5th
Respectfully Submitted,
Tom Jones – Anytown Neighborhood Association Secretary

Meeting Agenda
General Meeting Agenda
June 3rd, 2006
7-8 p.m.

1. Introductions
2. Officer reports
A. Secretary minutes
B. Treasurer
3. Committee Chair reports
A. Social activities
B. Park cleanup
C. Block Watch Captains
D. Membership
4. Guests
A. Officers John Badge and Jane Law, COPPS officers
B. Tony Speedbump, Rochester Traffic Safety
5. Old Business
A. Traffic light Broadway and 13th – lengthen pedestrian crossing time for elderly (Tony Speedbump to report)
B. Safe Zone sign survey (COPPS officers and Malvin Purvis)
C. Park clean up (Ann Van Camp and Isaac Walton)
6. New Business
A. National Night Out
B. Tree Planting
C. Elderly assistance program
D. Nomination of officers
7. Other Business – Open floor to members
8. Adjourn
Next meeting is at 7 p.m. on August 5, 2020

Neighborhood Survey
Anytown Neighborhood Association is conducting a survey to more fully understand the needs and interests of our neighborhood. We would like your input and ideas. Please take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire.
1. What are the three things you like best about living in Anytown?
2. What are your favorite ways to spend time when you are not involved in work or household chores?
3. What do you know how to do well enough to share with or teach to someone else?
4. Do you have children? Yes____ No____. If so, please list their ages.
5. Would your children be interested in participating in community-sponsored activities? Yes___ No____. If so, what kinds of activities would you like to see offered?
6. Do you have any serious concerns about the community? Yes___ No___. If so, please tell us what they are.
7. Do you have any suggestions about how to address these concerns?
8. My age is (please circle ago range): under 19 years / 20-35 years / 36-55 years / 55-70 years / 70+years
9. I have lived in Anytown for: under 10 years / 10-25 years / 25+ years
10. I own my home_______ (or) I rent my home______(please check one that applies).
11. Please return your questionnaire to _________________by ______________. Thank you very much for taking the time to help us make good things happen in Anytown!

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