Sandy Chang Honored by Beat the Odds Scholarship

Sandy Chang Honored by Beat the Odds Scholarship

Sandy made this park just a “Litter Bit Better” by participating in a litter pick-up in April 2008.

On Thursday, January 29, Sandy Chang was honored as one of the recipients of an RCTC Beat the Odds scholarship. This program is an annual event that celebrates youth who have overcome tremendous odds to become personally and academically successful. The purpose of the program is to raise awareness of the struggles of many youth in our community and recognize their ability to overcome difficulties.

Sandy has worked with several RNeighbors programs in the past several years. Specifically, on the RNeighborWoods committee as the Youth Commission representative. Through her leadership, commitment to service, and work ethic she has assisted in the effort to plant hundreds of trees in Rochester neighborhoods.

Sandy is one of 25 Olmsted County youth, who partner with area businesses, local government, and other community organizations to:

  • promote leadership opportunities for youth
  • increase awareness of important youth needs and issues
  • recognize youth contributions and the importance of youth
  • participation in community life and decision-making

Sandy has served on the Youth Commission Executive Committee for 2 years, and this year Co-Chairs the entire group. Her leadership style is based on her appreciation of the value that diversity of culture, opinion, socio-economic status, and ability bring to community life and service.

Mary Gorfine, Olmsted County Youth Commission Coordinator said, “I have worked with outstanding youth in this community for many years, and I can honestly say that Sandy is extraordinary. She is a respectful listener, shares her personal opinions and ideas articulately, and accepts criticism and opposing viewpoints with humility and equanimity. Sandy is a shining light among youth in Olmsted County, and a perfect illustration of all that is good in our next generation of leaders. She makes a difference in the lives of those she touches, and has learned at a young age that we all share responsibility for making the world a better place.”

The RNeighbors family congratulates Sandy on this very deserving award and thanks her for all that she’s done for Rochester neighborhoods!

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