Tree Planting Workshop

Tree Planting Workshop

Submitted by Rene Jones Lafflam on Mon, 2007-08-13 09:25.
Kutzky Park
2nd St & 13th Ave NW

rochester arborist logodowntree


Two of the greatest minds in stem girdling root research will be in Rochester for a one day session on proper and improper tree planting. This workshop will investigate proper planting practices and how to “plan ahead” by planting trees properly for the future.

Gary and Rich are the authors of A Practitioner’s Guide to Stem Girdling Roots of Trees, which is the seminal work done describing how planting practices influence future tree deaths in our urban landscape.

  • Gary R. Johnson is a Professor of Urban and Community Forestry in the Department of Forest Resources, College of Natural Resources at the University of Minnesota.
  • Rich Hauer is an Assistant Professor of Forestry at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point teaching courses in the urban forestry and core forestry programs areas. Prior to coming to UWSP, Rich coordinated the Shade Tree Program at the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.

Bring your work clothes because we will be getting dirty. We’ll be using an air spade to excavate recently planted trees and trees that have been on the landscape for more than 25 years.

This will be an excellent time to see what happens below ground to trees after planting.

We will be limiting participation to 50 people – Admission is $30 per person.

Contact Jacob Ryg, the Rochester City Forester to reserve your spot today. (507) 287-7191

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